Design professionals draw upon their experience on past projects for the benefit of their clients on future projects. Scott does too.
For nearly 20 years, Scott has served as a lead trial lawyer for design professionals in the Mid-Atlantic region. Approaching every engagement with an eye towards developing a cost-effective approach to meet his client’s objectives, Scott draws upon his years of experience to understand the details of the project and the nature of the issues presented in order to develop a thoughtful, cost-effective strategy moving forward.
In every case, Scott immerses himself in the contracts, plans, and specifications at issue. He recognizes how contracts are used in the construction industry to manage and allocate risk. He knows how plans and specifications are supposed to be used in the construction industry. And he understands how to use contract language, plans, and specifications to persuade the fact-finder, whether judge, jury, or arbitrator.
While Scott’s practice is focused on assisting design professionals involved in disputes, he encourages his clients to implement risk management strategies targeted towards avoiding claims. Scott draws upon lessons learned in the courtroom to assist his clients in negotiating for inclusion of risk management provisions in their contracts.
University of Delaware, B.A.